Case Study: How RPM Solutions Used a Wall to Conquer the “Lockbox Problem”

You have better things to do than look for a lost lockbox. Who had it last? Where were you? Ok, now retrace your steps.
For Dan Hayes, owner of RPM Solutions, this was a regular occurrence. It was enough to drive him up a wall. But instead, he built one.
Now, his agents never lose a lockbox. So instead of retracing their steps, they’re optimizing their listings, analyzing performance, and otherwise doing bigger, better things with their time.

Big News: ShowMojo Now Syndicates to College Pads

ShowMojo and College Pads are teaming up to transform the leasing process for student housing property managers.
College Pads helps property managers attract students to their listings by offering a targeted, in-depth marketing approach that hits college students everywhere they go. As of this writing, College Pads serves over 120 campuses across the United States and are continuously adding to the list.

Case Study: How RPM Experts Greased the Chute of the Property Management Experience

In our Last Case Study Recap, we explored how 2B Living Property Management maintained its excellent service even after expanding its portfolio from 700 to 3000 units.
But what about the little(r) guys? Not to worry — we haven’t forgotten about you.
In this newsletter, you’ll learn about how a startup property management company used ShowMojo as it grew its portfolio from zero to over 330 units.

A Leasing Automation Case Study: A Blueprint for Leasing Efficiency

We’ve been interviewing our most successful customers to uncover the secrets behind their success. And we’re ready to spill the beans. The goal of these interviews is to document valuable lessons on operational efficiency, data-driven decision-making, and innovation in the leasing process. With that in mind, we’ve spun these interviews into Ten Action-Packed, Insight-Filled Case Studies that you can read at your leisure.

Breaking News: Sleeping In On the Weekend, Late Workday Lunches Reduce Market Times

Perhaps not surprisingly, our data shows that renters prefer to tour listings around their workday, during lunch and after work especially. Yet showing agents tend to schedule tours around their workday. To align better with renters, and in effect get more showings, our data indicates that you should be shifting your showing schedule just an hour later. In other words, the early bird may get the worm. But lest we forget, the second mouse gets the cheese. Don’t take our word for it. We’ll walk through the data in this blog post.

Effortless Listings: New Listing Default Settings Arrive, Bulk Update Exits Beta

Ever wish your computer would do what you want without you constantly looking over its shoulder? All this clicking and typing and remembering stuff. It’s a bit much. So we got to thinking and tinkering with ShowMojo. And we came up with an upgrade. We decided against a chip that enables you to control the Computer With Your Thoughts. Privacy was a concern, but we also wanted to free your mind, not control it. Enter: Listing Default Settings.