In the leasing world, your calendar is often the heart of your workday. And the big tech companies (ahem, Google, Microsoft) want to cage your heart in their duopolistic shackles.
Unfortunately, they’re pretty damn good at it.
But with today’s announcement, we’re sighting our slingshots squarely on these Goliaths.
ShowMojo now supports calendar integration with Apple iCloud and other CalDAV-based calendaring systems.
What does this mean for you? In short, it creates a meaningful choice for ShowMojo customers, with the potential to use any CalDAV-based calendaring system. It means native support for Apple iCloud. And it means you don’t have to be subject to the privacy-encroaching habits of Google and Microsoft.

Apple iCloud Users, Rejoice!
Before we launched native support for Apple iCloud Calendar, using Apple’s calendar with ShowMojo had some limitations. But no more.
Now, from within ShowMojo, Apple Calendar users can easily:
- Push scheduled showings out to specific calendars.
- Automatically keep showings from being booked during existing busy times.
- Set custom travel or other time buffers before and after existing busy times.
So we’ve moved from a duopoly (Microsoft and Google) to an oligopoly (Microsoft, Google, and Apple). But we’re not done yet.

From a Duopoly to an Oligopoly… with Meaningful Choice
For the uninitiated, CalDAV is an open protocol that is supported by a large number of calendaring solutions across the web. If a calendar solution supports CalDAV, there’s a good chance it will work with ShowMojo.
For example, ShowMojo now specifically supports Fastmail, which is our preferred email and calendaring solution.
So you can now try the CalDAV integration on your calendar or email app of choice. Full disclosure: CalDAV protocol isn’t always perfectly supported across every app. If your app isn’t fully supported, we encourage you to Submit a Feature Request.

Ready to Get Calendaring?
Silky smooth scheduling is the key to a great customer experience and an effective leasing operation. And your calendar is the center of it all. So let’s get you set up the way you want to.
Head over to our Knowledge Base to learn more about how to configure your iCloud or CalDAV-based calendar. Or sign up for ShowMojo and break free from your calendar purgatory.