Are Lockbox Showings Creepy?
For an immediate answer to this headline, see Betteridge’s Law of Headlines. But we occasionally hear this feedback.
For an immediate answer to this headline, see Betteridge’s Law of Headlines. But we occasionally hear this feedback.
It wasn’t enough that Watermarking can now be set to a variety of options, including your ShowMojo PHONE number.
This blog post isn’t about any ordinary cancelled showing – ShowMojo already emails you or the appropriate showing agent about that. These new features notify you, showing agents, and current tenants when all the showings on a given showtime have cancelled.
Yes, we know. ShowMojo has spent years slaying the evil dragons of phone-tag and email-chain-hell. Now we’re going to let prospects propose showtimes? What could we be thinking?
Did you know that, at 10 cents a message, it’s cheaper for NASA to communicate with the Hubble Telescope than for you to text “I’ll be there in five”?
Who posts to a blog on Friday afternoon in the middle of summer? Someone with a feature too good to wait until Monday.
ShowMojo now lets you add listing-specific custom messages to both: the showing details email and the showing confirmation messaging. Need help imagining how you might use this functionality? Read on!
These aren’t your grandma’s watermarked photos. And this watermarking functionality is built into the core of ShowMojo.
We took a surgical scalpel to ShowMojo’s scheduling algorithm, and we are quite happy with the outcome. NOTE: This stuff is complicated — and there’s no way around that. Don’t try to read while driving between showings.