Now available for every MojoLock G3
Got MojoLock G3s?
You can set and customize a permanent access code on each and every MojoLock G3. Pick any code from four digits (e.g. Kaprekar’s Constant) to ten digits (e.g. Elon Musk’s Cell).
This custom access code:
- Can be set and updated right from the ShowMojo mobile app. It’s so simple it’s almost fun.
- Is then permanent on the MojoLock. It never expires.
- Provides easy-to-recall access to any number of MojoLocks. Please just don’t blast a gaping hole in the time-space continuum (or your smart access system) by setting every MojoLock to 3000, 1701, or a double down on the answer to life, the universe and everything.
Can you name the three science fiction works from which those numbers came? The first three geeks to reply to this newsletter with the correct three answers receive a free MojoLock (or MojoBox — you pick).
Still reading? Got MojoLocks? You’re Just One Firmware Upgrade Away from permanent access code nirvana.
Don’t yet have any MojoLocks? Let’s fix that.
Have You Seen the New MojoBox?
It comes with a permanent access code — no upgrade required.
MojoBox is the perfect alternative to the digital, physical and emotional insecurity of mechanical lockboxes. Get great security in a mechanical form factor at an unbeatable price.