But don’t sing Hallelujah just yet….
The Minimum Viable Product
Our first mobile app is like almost every ShowMojo first – from ShowMojo PHONE, to Live Answer, to Lockbox Self-Show Insurance, to Autonomous Scheduling.
It’s super simple to start, with enough functionality to add value. And upon that very solid foundation, we will build even greater things.
MojoLock and Digital Access
The ShowMojo app was built on a couple Maslow-like basic needs:
- To register new MojoLocks on a ShowMojo account.
- To obtain access codes for each MojoLock.
Having completed that – and the three-fire-ring semi-competent clown-show that both Apple and Google dub a “review process” – we decided to add one more feature: access to all your digital access devices from the ShowMojo app.
You read that right. You can get access codes for VaultLOCKS, CodeBox, and any other supported digital access device right from the ShowMojo app.
The app can be accessed by any team member on your account, and even supports our existing Digital Access Team Member Restrictions.
Wait-a-Minute! What’s a MojoLock?!?
Holy buckets of shackle-free digital devices. How did you miss last week’s newsletter?
Go read about ShowMojo’s New Smartlock That’s as Revolutionary as It Is Affordable.
Then come back here and finish off where you started.
Stay Tuned
Now that we’ve got a tariff-free Chinese mobile app developer on the team, we’re burning the midnight oil. There’s so much more mojo on the way.