Just Take a Moment to Chill
Residential leasing is anything but predictable. Seasons shift and creak. Markets rocket and dive and roll and bounce. All the while people come and go … only a whole lot faster right now.
Looking for some predictability?
Check Out the Unit-Based Plans
These plans have everything you could hope for — from full-featured do-it-for-you (Ultra) to just-get-it-done affordable (Classic). And, then, there’s the favorite mainstay (Pro) that puts all the ShowMojo features you know and love on a super-predictable budget.
Ok, That’s Not True
Because these unit-based plans have features no other ShowMojo plan has.
There are no monthly fees on MojoBoxes and MojoLocks. You read that right. On all unit-based plans there’s no monthly fee for ShowMojo’s very own access devices.
Two-way text messaging is included on all Pro and Ultra plans. Two-way what? Holy beta, Check Out the Announcement.
Some third-party access device fees are covered on Pro and Ultra plans. Specifically, for every 15 units under management, ShowMojo waives the monthly fee for one CodeBox or VaultLOCKS eLockbox.
What About Those Other ShowMojo Plans?
All other ShowMojo pricing plans remain available.
Granted, some of those older plans are starting to fray like a roughed-up Beanie Baby timberwolf that’s been barfed on, frontloaded and radiator-dried enough times to defy recollection and really is something our nine-year-old snuggle-bug needs to boot from the bed and onto a shelf at some point before he turns sixteen.
Yes, the old plans are not going anywhere.
And What Now?
If you’re a current ShowMojo customer, and want a guided tour through your plan options old and new, just Schedule an Account Check-In and tell us why.
If you’re new to ShowMojo, fence-sitting on the decision, or returning to ShowMojo from a years-long peregrination through who knows where (we probably don’t want to know) then we’ve got two great options for you.