How ShowMojo Keyed OCF Realty’s Best Year Ever

OCF Realty
In a significant turn of events, ShowMojo played a game-changing role in OCF Realty’s most successful year to date. OCF Realty, a cornerstone of Philadelphia’s real estate landscape, offers an array of services that include Property Management, Leasing, Home Sales, and Real Estate Development, all with a steadfast commitment to Community Engagement.
About a year ago, Bill Kamman, Reception Manager, and Angela Calvanese, Assistant Director of Leasing stumbled upon ShowMojo.
At the time, they were drowning in emails from prospects and a complex combination of scheduling software. And they were looking for a solution.
When Calvanese discovered ShowMojo through AppFolio she said, “It was like somebody combined all the stuff we were looking for into one solution.”
A “Physically Impossible” Volume of Email
Before ShowMojo, OCF Realty had a team of 10 support staff members responding to thousands of emails per day. And even with that staff, leads were still being missed. On a good day, a single staff member could book up to 10 appointments.
Thousands of emails for fewer than 100 appointments, many of which would be no-showed… not exactly a red-hot conversion rate.
Once the team implemented ShowMojo, though, Kamman said:
In the morning there might be 10 emails in the inbox. Now we only get people with unique situations or people that run into one of ShowMojo’s screening filters.
Bill Kamman, Reception Manager, OCF Realty
For reference, the “filters” Kamman is referring to are officially known as Screening Restrictors. OCF Realty sets these restrictors so that only prospects with qualifying answers can schedule a showing.
As a result of all this, OCF Realty was able to cut its support headcount by 70%, from 10 to three, while significantly improving output. “ShowMojo schedules and books dozens and dozens of showings every single hour,” explained Calvanese.
In short order, the problem of booking showings was solved. But OCF Realty had a new issue. With so many booked showings, the company needed to schedule its agents more efficiently to get them to all these showings.
How ShowMojo Helped Agents Maximize Their Time
Parkinson’s Law states that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion.
The travel time allotted to OCF Realty’s agents before ShowMojo stepped in was a case in point for Parkinson.
While Calvanese — who grew up in Philly and previously worked as a leasing agent — is a human navigation system, not everyone is blessed with her intimate knowledge of Philadelphia drive times and traffic patterns.
So when showings were scheduled, agents would often overestimate their travel time estimations or take circuitous routes. After ShowMojo started booking showings like mad, this issue became even more acute. OCF Realty needed a better way to deploy its team of agents.
Enter Autonomous Scheduling by ShowMojo:
ShowMojo’s scheduling with geolocation changed everything. Now ShowMojo gives them [the agents] the exact travel times. Agents used to have so much travel time. And with no-show rates for rentals, our agents’ schedules have to be maxed out. In the old days, an agent might end up conducting one showing at the end of the day. I don’t think we’d have been able to hit our revenue goal if we didn’t have ShowMojo.
Angela Calvanese, Assistant Director of Leasing, OCF Realty
What Calvanese didn’t mention is ShowMojo’s knack for 1) reducing no shows and 2) mitigating their impact on OCF Realty’s agents’ productivity. ShowMojo reduces no shows by automatically sending a confirmation email or text (prospect’s choice) 24 hours before the showing. If no response is received, ShowMojo sends another request for confirmation a few hours before the showing.
And since ShowMojo clusters agents’ showings by location, even when a no-show slips through, its impact on productivity is relatively minor.
ShowMojo has also made it easier for outside agents to show listings. Since OCF Realty now uses MojoBox Digital Lockboxes on its listings, outside agents – who handle about 25% of OCF Realty’s showings – don’t have to fetch keys from the office. Instead, the OCF Realty team simply enables Third-Party Agent Scheduling in ShowMojo so outside agents can serve themselves with a temporary access code.
Onboarding ShowMojo, Allaying Agent Concerns
As transformative as the switch to ShowMojo was for OCF Realty, it wasn’t without its doubters.
As the new scheduling process rolled out, agents were getting upset. They raised concerns about which properties they were getting scheduled to show. They also didn’t love that ShowMojo eliminated much of the slack in their schedule by precisely calculating travel times based on real-time traffic data and clustering showings (even though it made them far more productive).
But ShowMojo’s support team helped smooth things over.
Having meetings with ShowMojo helped a lot to educate and train the agents. We took control away by dictating travel times, so pushback was expected. But the support and education from ShowMojo has been key to easing agents’ concerns.
Angela Calvanese, Assistant Director of Leasing, OCF Realty
Both Calvanese and Kamman credit the helpfulness and responsiveness of the ShowMojo team for ensuring the new system was effectively rolled out. They explain that with other departments, new technology projects have fallen flat because the vendors didn’t provide the Level of Support That ShowMojo Does.
Of course, ShowMojo doesn’t get all the credit. For its part, the OCF Realty team dove deep into the inner workings of ShowMojo to make it work for their processes.
We played with ShowMojo a ton. We told everyone to try to break it and figure out the issues. We asked a ton of questions. We were reaching out to ShowMojo a lot. Their responsiveness to our questions was a big deal. They had as many calls as we needed.
Angela Calvanese, Assistant Director of Leasing, OCF Realty
OCF Realty Sets Its Sights on New Heights
2023 was a historic year for OCF Realty. The company set an all-time record for rental revenue. But Calvanese and Kamman aren’t resting on their laurels.
Their goal for 2024 is to set a new all-time rental revenue record.
And while Kamman loves hitting his numbers, he also loves what implementing ShowMojo has done for his hiring process. He explains:
I used to do 8-hour trial shifts with candidates. Now I can just do a 2-hour trial and I can hire people because they’re nice, not because they’re a tech wizard and a math guru.
Bill Kamman, Reception Manager, OCF Realty
Nice people, more revenue, less math… doesn’t that sound nice? Of course it does. So start your trial today or schedule a demo to see how ShowMojo can transform your property management business.
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