I’d like to give a prize to anyone who deals with college students for a living. Seriously, I could not do what you do. In an effort to make your life easier I present to you ShowMojo, an time-saving, annoyance-free way to get college students scheduled for showings of your private dorm.
Fact: Most college students would run their entire life over the internet if they could. From term papers to buying tickets for the latest music festival to dealing with “adult tasks” like banking and… finding a place to live(!), the early 20-something crowd can’t imagine not doing it online. Students crave the immediacy of being able to click on a link to complete a task, then forget all about it until a calendar reminder pops up telling them to go to class or work or an apartment tour. Anything more then a simple click or two will leave them less likely to follow through with something.
That’s why ShowMojo is the perfect way to schedule showings for a private dorm. College students are way more likely to click on a link to schedule their a showing then to type in a number on their phone (do you know who many taps on a screen that takes?!?!). ShowMojo takes just
They don’t want to have to make a phone call or trade emails. For a generation that has grown up on iPads and cell phones and texting (and thinks email is old) ShowMojo is simply the way to go.