Inflation, you say? Seems ShowMojo didn’t get the message. We just knocked ten dollars off the price of a shiny new MojoLock.
That’s right. MojoLocks are now only $69 per smartlock. And if you’re doing a major rollout you can buy in bulk for as little as $59 per smartlock.
But wait, there’s more!
While MojoLocks provide huge advantages over mechanical deadbolts, we also know that property management companies typically don’t hold the purse strings in these decisions.
That means owners need to buy into the value of a MojoLock, as well as invest in the MojoLock itself.
ShowMojo’s here to help with that. We’ve produced a MojoLock promotional sheet to sell the benefits of MojoLocks to your owners.
Not only that, we’ve given you the ability to add your brand and make it your own.
But wait, there’s still more!
MojoLocks are not exclusive to ShowMojo customers. Absolutely anyone can buy, install, and use a MojoLock. (Though, without this ShowMojo discount.)
Use MojoLocks for residential rentals and just about anything else.
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At ShowMojo, our passion is to improve lives by saving time for more meaningful things. We pioneered Leasing Automation (for both in-person tours and self-showings) to the benefit of leasing teams and prospective renters alike.
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