When it comes to feature updates, some newsletters are a little more organized than others. This week – well – we basically stuffed everything we could into the business end of a blunderbuss.
That’s a metaphor, of course, but you still might want to step back.
Location Verification for Self-Showings
We are serious about Stopping Fraudulent Lockbox Showings. And here’s the next step.
For digital lockbox self-showings, ShowMojo can now verify that each prospect – or at least their smartphone – is physically present at the showing.
Setup is simple. Check out our Self-Showing Location Verification Beta article for the details.
We did test this one quite thoroughly. Nonetheless, we slapped a “beta” label on it because of the newer technologies involved. Please do Contact ShowMojo Support if you encounter any issues.
More Intrusive Watermarking
Here’s yet another step to frustrate self-show opportunists and online listing scammers.
ShowMojo’s Automated and Custom Watermarking can now be configured to place a line of text directly through the center of each photo. That means that five fully-configurable lines of text can be added to each photo.
When someone’s done clipping the watermark lines out of one of those photos, it will be indistinguishable from a cut-up credit card.
More Fine-Tuning for Multi-User Accounts
Here are two powerful (and very targeted) settings to help multi-user teams use ShowMojo exactly the way they like.
First, limit showing agent access to only their specific listings: Manage the Access that Showing Agents Have to Listings.
Second, control how contact information appears on each listing with near-ridiculous specificity: Specify the Contact Information Used to Market Listings on Multi-User Accounts
If you are already happy with how ShowMojo juggles your multi-user team then, please, don’t dwell here.
More Convenient Document Verification
Years back, we deployed a ground-breaking, text-based Documentation Verification Feature that made the process simple for prospects. Now prospects have the option to upload their document directly from their smartphone browser and skip the multi-media-text-message-round-trip entirely.
This means faster and simpler documentation submission for many – while text-based and email-based submission options remain available for those prospects who need them.
Even better. This update has no new setting. It just works.