Pete and I are in a flurry of post-conference followups, which is to say we had a great reception at our NARPM conference debut in Chicago. I’m therefore proud to share that our minimalist approach to tabling – or the candy offerings – was a success, or at least didn’t turn people away amidst soaring pop-up displays and swag.
One of our greatest accomplishments, IMHO, was making our presence in the property management industry known on a more personal level. We got to know several of the property managers, NARPM organizers, and other vendors. We also got a feel for what some property managers need, helping us hone in on our market. For companies that don’t want to grow their overhead, they agreed that ShowMojo would place efficiency on scheduling, allowing their employees to have time for other business operations. ShowMojo was also a winner for companies looking to adopt technology that offers a competitive advantage. It didn’t take much convincing that automated scheduling and followups captures leads faster.
Buildium friends
We had a great time making friends with the Buildium folks. Kudos to Pete for attending the Buildium-hosted event Thursday evening. While I am easily convinced by cocktails and crabcakes, Pete was missing out on his kids’ bedtime, but I think Build-ium-ing (I’m clever!) this relationship will be worth it.
Future conferences
This week Pete has been speaking sentences that contain “the,” “next” and “conference.” I mean, it sounds to me like he plans on attending another conference, which suggests that last week’s was an overall success. Don’t tell Pete I’m being so presumptuous, but I’m already thinking of the lessons we can employ – get a good location in the vendor room and engage with onlookers before your neighbor does. That, and my endless sartorial efforts on conference garb, will keep this Showmo-mentum-jo (so clever!) going.