Fraud-Free and Efficient: Neighborhood Revival’s Success With ShowMojo

Key Results

eliminated-fraudulent-self- showings

Eliminated fraudulent self-showings


Minimized administrative work


Improved leasing conversion rates

Andrew Glisson founded his real estate investment company, Neighborhood Revival, in 2018.

A few years later, he hired his brother, Jonathan Glisson, as director of property management, plus a handful of virtual assistants, to help manage what had grown into a portfolio of 200 single-family homes, duplexes, and triplexes.

On top of managing and leasing these properties — which Neighborhood Revival purchased and renovated — the Glissons actively pursue new opportunities.

With a small team and so much going on, efficiency is essential. So as soon as Self-Showing technology became available, Neighborhood Revival was on it.

The Fraud Problem at Neighborhood Revival

Self-showings worked great at first. But the alternative leasing solution they were using didn’t take security seriously. So shortly after they started, the self-showing scammers descended.

The Glissons worked with their vendor to fix it, but they seemed to be one step behind.

It felt like we were basically guinea pigs for their anti-fraud strategy. We were the ones on the front line having people try to move into our houses. And we were asking all the time, ‘Hey, can we do this? What if we did this? What if you implemented this verification or had this location tag?’
Jonathan Glisson, Director of Property Management

When they’d had enough, they switched to ShowMojo, which turned out to be the end of fraud for Neighborhood Revival. But they didn’t stop there.

ShowMojo: The Final Nail in the Coffin for Fraud

What stood out to Jonathan when he found ShowMojo in the AppFolio Stack™ Marketplace was the proactive approach to fraud.

“It looked to us like y’all were a more established company and more active in fighting against fraud,” he explained.

After talking through their dissatisfaction with their current leasing solution and learning how ShowMojo was different, Neighborhood Revival made the switch.

We walked through the onboarding process and set up all of the settings exactly like we wanted them to be as secure as possible. And that was the final nail in the coffin for fraud.
Jonathan Glisson, Director of Property Management

Perfecting the Process

Eliminating Self-Showing Fraud is what initially drove the switch to ShowMojo. But what Neighborhood Revival found after they’d stymied the scammers was even greater efficiency.

Jonathan pointed out several new capabilities that have helped him and his team spend less time on admin.

Live Answer Service Handles Prospect Calls

Like many property managers, Jonathan remembers spending “a huge amount of time” answering prospect questions.

It was insane how many questions we got from prospects that wanted obvious information, right there on the listing. And we still have some more niche questions that come through, but Live Answer is taking care of a lot of that.
Jonathan Glisson, Director of Property Management

Initially, the Neighborhood Revival team hadn’t planned on implementing Live Answer. But the idea of cutting down on prospect calls while still providing personalized, human assistance when needed was impossible to resist.

Jonathan has set up Custom FAQs with Live Answer, so he can still influence how agents answer his prospect’s questions.

We just trust it [Live Answer] because we can define some of the answers and questions. And we’ve never had any sort of indication that there was an issue. There’s never been any complaint.
Jonathan Glisson, Director of Property Management

Built-in Security and Watermarking Removes Admin Work

Before ShowMojo, the Neighborhood Revival team had to use a separate tool to watermark their listing photos. This made for a lot of extra, mindless work that ShowMojo eliminated with its Automatic Diagonal Watermarking.

Jonathan had to wonder why his previous software didn’t have watermarking built in.

When we saw that [built-in watermarking], it made perfect sense. We’ve been watermarking with a separate technology, but your self-tour technology should do that for you. And ShowMojo does.
Jonathan Glisson, Director of Property Management

But built-in watermarking is just one example of something broader about ShowMojo that appeals to Glisson: a proactive approach to security.

The biggest deal for us with ShowMojo is how you guys have your own front lines research team and we’re not a guinea pig. We’re being served and protected by you.
Jonathan Glisson, Director of Property Management

If you’re curious about what he’s referring to, here are a few other ways ShowMojo proactively eliminates self-showing fraud:

A Smoother Prospect Experience

On top of improved security and efficiency, Jonathan noted “Our ability to pull in applications improved with ShowMojo. The process of going through the showing and applying is much more streamlined with the AppFolio integration. Everything just makes more sense now.”

He explained their previous alternative leasing solution forced prospects to navigate multiple, disjointed steps that made the process cumbersome.

ShowMojo doesn’t get all the credit though.

The transition away from the alternative leasing solution also prompted the Neighborhood Revival team to reevaluate and optimize their listing descriptions and improve their overall marketing efforts.

The biggest thing is just how smooth everything is now and how it’s all in one spot, easy to do. It’s much simpler and smoother than it was with the other software.
Jonathan Glisson, Director of Property Management

One Good Thing Leads to Another… and Another

Neighborhood Revival’s switch to ShowMojo didn’t just stop self-showing fraud in its tracks — it also ushered in a New Level of Efficiency for their small team.

Since adopting ShowMojo, the team has:

  • Completely eliminated fraudulent self-showings.
  • Drastically reduced time spent on administrative work.
  • Improved leasing conversion rates and streamlined the prospect experience.

Beyond enhanced security, features like Live Answer and automatic watermarking have streamlined the Neighborhood Revival team’s workflow and elevated overall efficiency.

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