One major purpose of ShowMojo is to keep you from having to answer the phone. Nonetheless, there’s always been that small percentage of prospects who want (or occasionally need) special treatment. Additionally, we’re well aware that some of our property managers deploy the live-answered phone call as a high-touch service differentiator.
But, wow, those phone calls take time. And the costs just pile up.
Well, that’s just the kind of opportunity we’re attracted to. And here’s our first go at making the most of it.
ShowMojo can now distribute a pre-showing questionnaire after any phone-booked showing.
So you can:
- Answer the call
- Collect just a cell number and showtime
- Tell the prospect they’ll be sent a questionnaire to complete before the showing
- Hang up — politely
ShowMojo automatically contacts the prospect and completes the screening. And ShowMojo automatically reminds a prospect if the questionnaire is not completed in a timely manner.
Better still, if a prospect fails to complete the pre-showing questionnaire, ShowMojo can automatically cancel the showing. Or ShowMojo can honor the showing. That’s yet another option you control.
These pre-showing questionnaires can be configured on the Schedule Settings page. Just scroll down to the Additional Settings section.
And happy holidays everyone!
Team ShowMojo
P.S. We just made another oft-requested update. The document verification screening question now lets you specify the name of the document when communicating with the prospective renter. So, after a prospect agrees to send a drivers license without ever looking at what they agreed to, ShowMojo is there to let them know.