How the MojoBox Reunited RPM Solutions and ShowMojo

Real Property Management (RPM) Solutions
For Dan and Angela Hayes, business is a family affair. And a successful one at that. They recently celebrated the tenth year of their property management company, RPM Solutions.
In the heavily regulated Portland Metro area, RPM Solutions manages everything from a single accessory dwelling unit (ADU) up to 40-unit multi-family buildings.
As general manager of the company, Angela Hayes runs the day-to-day with the help of her son and assistant general manager, Tim Hayes. Tim’s wife, Lisa Hayes, manages the company’s finances and compliance. Dan Hayes has recently stepped back from management but maintains a key role as owner.
ShowMojo and RPM Solutions Navigate a Tricky Housing Market
About a year after opening RPM Solutions, the Hayes chose ShowMojo to manage the leasing process for their growing company.
In a market as tricky as Portland’s, adaptability was key for RPM Solutions. With ShowMojo, RPM Solutions found the flexibility they needed to succeed.
Take, for instance, a recently passed Portland city ordinance. The ordinance requires managers to advertise a unit for 72 hours before they accept any applications. By leveraging ShowMojo’s Seamless AppFolio Integration, RPM Solutions could easily advertise their properties but lock applications until 72 hours after the listing went live.
RPM Solutions also used ShowMojo to Effectively Syndicate Listings, Track Listing Performance, and Manage Every Aspect of the Leasing Process.
Trouble in Paradise
After five successful years with ShowMojo, Dan Hayes and his team felt that their prospect experience needed a facelift. And representatives from a newer company that was following in ShowMojo’s footsteps promised they could deliver a new prospect experience. So he and the team decided to ditch ShowMojo.
Unfortunately, the promised prospect experience never came to fruition.
Even so, the cost to switch back was prohibitive. So when Dan Hayes ran into ShowMojo reps at a tradeshow, he told them he couldn’t come back unless he had a compelling reason to do so.
Solving the Lockbox Problem
From its inception, RPM Solutions has relied on lockboxes to facilitate property access for leasing agents and vendors. Before the company switched back to ShowMojo, RPM Solutions was using a brand of digital lockboxes well known to the property management space. And they were a major hassle.
The battery life was painfully short. The locks rusted in Portland’s wet climate. And the RPM Solutions team was constantly wasting time tracking down missing lockboxes.
So when ShowMojo introduced Dan to the MojoBox Digital Lockbox, the cost of switching back suddenly didn’t look so prohibitive. After a quick demonstration, Dan was convinced. He purchased enough MojoBoxes to outfit all his listings. Thus began RPM Solutions’ re-introduction to ShowMojo.
The MojoBox Wall
At RPM Solutions’ headquarters, there’s a MojoBox wall. And a strict procedure governs whoever takes those boxes off the wall.
Let’s say a leasing agent needs to set up a MojoBox on a new listing. Here’s what they do:
- The agent takes the box off the wall.
- They use the ShowMojo app to digitally assign the MojoBox to their listing.
- Then the agent physically places the MojoBox at the listing.
After placing the MojoBox at the property, the agent and any other authorized users can facilitate access through the MojoBox with custom, time-limited access codes. Once the listing is rented:
- The agent removes the box from the property.
- They unassign the MojoBox from the listing.
- The agent puts the MojoBox back on the wall.
By requiring this strict checkout and check-in procedure, RPM Solutions never loses a box. When a box goes missing, the team can see who checked it out and what property it was assigned to.
Since we switched to the MojoBox, we haven’t lost a single one. That’s cut our lockbox expense down by around 40%, and that doesn’t include the labor cost savings we get from not having to search for misplaced boxes. I love that ShowMojo owns the box. It’s a ShowMojo product designed specifically for residential rentals and I believe it’s the key competitive differentiator.
Dan Hayes, RPM Solutions, Owner
For the RPM Solutions team, the MojoBoxes are key. But they’ve leveraged several other features to great success.
Listing Performance Reports Keep Agents Accountable
To minimize market times, RPM Solutions has to ensure its listings are published properly. For that, ShowMojo’s Listing Performance Reports have become a key tool for RPM Solutions. By regularly reviewing these reports, the team can easily spot issues.
This enables them to hold leasing agents, owners, and anyone else accountable. Just as importantly, the listing performance reports also help RPM Solutions ensure every listing has the information it needs to attract, inform, and convert prospects.
Listing Syndication Solves the Mess of Property Descriptions
As RPM Solutions has grown with ShowMojo, they’ve learned to take advantage of its Powerful Listing Syndication Functionality.
ShowMojo solves the Zillow gobbledy gook. You just set the right tags for your property description, amenities, leasing terms, etc., and your information translates easily across listings sites.
Dan Hayes, RPM Solutions, Owner
Hayes advises all ShowMojo customers to establish a clear understanding of their property, amenities, and leasing term tags. This, he says, is key to accurate listing syndication.
An Incredible Culture Brings It All Together
When he was interviewed for this story, he recalled a TikTok video that went viral a few days after he’d purchased the MojoBoxes. In the video, a hacker demonstrated his ability to exploit a MojoBox vulnerability. The hacker opened a locked MojoBox with ease.
Hayes emailed ShowMojo immediately. And within an hour, the ShowMojo team had responded that they were already aware of the issue and are on it. ShowMojo engineers found the vulnerability, fixed it, and published a firmware update. The next day, the RPM Solutions team executed the firmware update, and the issue was resolved.
ShowMojo culture is incredible and we’ve always loved that about ShowMojo. The team is honest, works hard to solve problems, and is responsive to our feedback. They also truly seem to care and are fun to work with.
Dan Hayes, RPM Solutions, Owner
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